Cosmetic dentistry. Here we have an entire topic in and of itself, all within the field of dentistry. The term cosmetic dentistry applies to any type of dentistry that is utilized for the purpose of improving the aesthetic appeal of the teeth, mouth, and gums.
Cosmetic dentistry focuses on brightening the teeth and gums, fixing impairments, cracks, chips, contusions on the teeth, etc. Cosmetic dentistry utilizes the advanced technologies of modern-day dental care to improve the teeth themselves. This enables families all across the country to have the best smiles and the healthiest mouths possible.
The mouth is one of the first things we notice in people when we first meet them. And it’s one of the first things that people notice in us too. Why not make the best first impression that we can? Why not wow them with an amazing set of teeth and gums? Why not give them the best impression possible?
When people see a healthy, clean, bright, pleasant mouth, it acts as reassurance. It’s comforting and pleasant. It makes us feel warm and welcome. It’s very un-intimidating. The opposite is true for an unhealthy mouth and teeth.
Cosmetic dentistry is the key to creating the cleanest, healthiest, and most pleasant-looking mouth and teeth possible. We’ll briefly define and describe the main approaches to cosmetic dentistry, so you can decide which avenue would be best for you and your family.
The Primary Approaches to Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry is absolutely voluntary, as these methods do not fall under the categories of preventative dentistry or restorative dentistry. But the sheer benefits and the long-term enjoyment that comes with cosmetic dentistry are well-worth the procedures. Let’s read on and take a look at a few of the most common methods used in cosmetic dentistry:
- Teeth Whitening. Most people have heard of teeth whitening. This simple process involves a thorough cleaning of the teeth, plus a whitening of the teeth with the use of teeth whitener gels and activation lights. Teeth whitening procedures reverse the appearance of stains and yellowing, giving teeth a younger, brighter, fresher, whiter, cleaner look.
- Dental Veneers. Veneers are a simple, cosmetic dental process by which small, porcelain “veneer” covers are molded to replicate the teeth which they are supposed to cover. Once made, the veneers are attached to those teeth with a special adhesive. Veneers look exactly like the teeth they are meant to cover, except minus any scratches, blemishes, imperfections, missing pieces, chips, stains, etc.
- Composite Bonding. This approach is usually done entirely in one visit, with the dentist using a special, composite substance to place on and over the affected tooth. If a tooth has experienced a crack, a slight chip, a minor defect, or something of that nature, the application of composite bonding can remedy that. This substance is applied by the dentist, directly to the tooth, and is then dried with the help of a special, dental light.
- Bridges, Dental Crowns, Inlays, and Onlays. There are several dental approaches that involve both a health benefit and a cosmetic benefit. Bridges, dental caps, inlays, and onlays all serve a health-based purpose for improving the individual’s dental condition, but all of these processes also serve to improve the cosmetic condition of the mouth as well.
These are just a few of the methods that dentists use to improve the condition of their patients’ mouths and teeth. The goal here is to create a healthy and pleasant smile, something that brings those around them up and lightens them, not something that intimidates them or which seems unappealing.
Why Cosmetic Dentistry?
Cosmetic dentistry is entirely elective and voluntary. A lot of people ask, “Why cosmetic dentistry?” The reason is that cosmetic dentistry enhances the individual’s teeth and mouth, boosts confidence, and makes individuals more approachable, giving them a new, fresh appearance to greet the world with.
Utilizing cosmetic dentistry can bring about a one-hundred and eighty-degree shift in not only an individual’s appearance, but in their confidence, their sense of self, their courage, their intensity, and their self-image. If you are considering cosmetic dentistry for yourself or a loved one, contact your family dentist today for more information.